05 October 2008

French Home

Am I capable of walking into a bookshop and not buying an armful of books? It seems unlikely. This morning's haul - it's a lazy, sunny, coffee-filled Sunday morning after all, and I'm only human - included a very friggen awesome-esque book on French interiors, (yes, I'm still in Francophile mode), French Home by Josephine Ryan. I just had to share the opening paragraph - while it relates to interior style, it could apply to everything from fashion to a general attitude towards life...

"The Japanese phrase, wabi sabi, or 'perfect imperfection', seems to capture the essence of the French approach to creating a home - the chemistry that happens when a look is pulled together with a certain nonchalance underscored by enormous confidence...it describes a tolerance, even reverence, for pieces that show their age; a feeling for things that are as beautiful as they are useful. It suggests the self-assurance that effortlessly combines old and new, that embraces personal quirks, indulges refined preferences and rejects the sterility of soulless design. The idea that things, houses or people should aspire to perfection is rendered redundant by the wisdom imparted in that one phrase..."

Josephine Ryan also owns an antiques shop - if you're in London, lucky you!